MOL Participates in ‘MODE’ Program To Realize Sustainable Marine Logistics

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Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. has participated in the University of Tokyo’s social collaboration program “Maritime and Ocean Digital Engineering (MODE).”

Maritime and Ocean Digital Engineering (MODE)

MODE is a social collaboration program at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, to address issues faced by the Japanese maritime industry, such as development of new technologies and their social implementation in the global trend toward decarbonization,” “introduction of automated vessels to improve safety and work styles to maintain shipping services,” and “ensuring overwhelming productivity in the increasingly sophisticated ship design and manufacturing processes.

MOL cooperate with MODE in R&D for decarbonization and automation in the maritime sector and formulation of a hub for human resource development. MOL will promote the development of the next-generation ship design using digital engineering, the use of wind power, and the development of technologies for building a clean energy supply chain.

Net zero GHG emissions by 2050

MOL set out its plan to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 through concerted group-wide efforts in ” MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.2 ” Through the participation in MODE, MOL Group will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society and the sustainable development of people, society, and the earth.

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Source: MOL