MOL Updates Its Version Of Environmental Strategy


According to an article published in Safety4sea, Japanese shipping company MOL revealed plans to further advance its environmental vision, shedding particular focus on achieving Net Zero GHG emissions through the group business to 2050.

Plan Announcements 

This was announced by the Group’s new President & CEO Takeshi Hashimoto, on the occasion of MOL Foundation Day, on 1st April, who informed of upgraded organizational structures in preparation for the next decade.

Starting with the environmental strategy, the company is going to review the “MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.0,” which was announced in June of last year, and update it as “Environmental Vision 2.1”.

2050 Targets

In version 2.1, MOL will move forward the target year to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions to 2050, while it will also release the MOL Group’s long-term roadmap to reduce emissions, and accelerate actions on five strategies toward fullfilment of the roadmap.

In addition, MOL sees demand for LNG rising as a low-carbon energy resource until the arrival of the fully decarbonized era.

New President’s ideas

While we will certainly address demands for transport and so on, we will also move ahead with other programs such as shifting our fleet to LNG-fueled vessels, the introduction of alternative vessel fuels, and investment in renewable energy businesses. We will also make future investment decisions with an eye toward the introduction of carbon credits in the future, said Mr. Hashimoto.

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Source : Saftey4sea