MPA and Team Unveil COVID-19 Crew Change Guidebook


  • MPA, SSA, SMOU, IMEC, and WSC have formed the Singapore Crew Change Working Group.
  • Singapore recently announced the ease of the restrictions under specific conditions.
  • SGCCWG published the Singapore Crew Change Guidebook.
  • It will provide guidance to the shipping community on the effect of crew change in Singapore.
  • The Guide reminds the crew change process for sign-on and sign-off in Singapore.

According to an article published in Safety4sea, the MPA, SSA, and SMOU, in cooperation with IMEC and WSC have formed the Singapore Crew Change Working Group (SGCCWG) to facilitate crew changes in Singapore.

Key stakeholders

  • The Maritime & Port Authority (MPA)
  • Singapore Shipping Association (SSA)
  • Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU)
  • International Maritime Employers’ Council Ltd (IMEC)
  • World Shipping Council (WSC)

COVID-19 crew change restrictions

To remind, despite the crew change restrictions imposed on the shipping industry because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore recently announced the ease of the restrictions under specific conditions.

Now, the SGCCWG published the Singapore Crew Change Guidebook which will provide guidance to the shipping community on how to effect crew change in Singapore during this crisis.

Sign-on and sign-off

Accordingly, the Guide reminds that the crew change process for sign-on and sign-off in Singapore goes as follows:

  • A safe and coordinated planning process, ensuring minimal contact between the crew and various staff of the hotel.
  • Transportation providers and launch hire services
  • All aspects of the value chain are considered including self-reporting of health status to detect early symptoms and seek prompt medical attention
  • It is highlighted that to mitigate the risk of importation and spread COVID-19 in Singapore and to the ship.
  • The crew must be transferred directly between the vessel and the point of arrival/departure.

Crew change process for sign-on and sign off in Singapore

  • A safe and coordinated planning process, ensuring minimal contact between crew and various staff of the hotel, transportation providers and launch hire services.
  • All aspects of the value chain are considered including self-reporting of health status to detect early symptoms and seek prompt medical attention

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Source: Safety4sea