MPA: Best Practices for Carriage of Plastic Pellets


The Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore Singapore has issued a circular with recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers.

The circular brings to the attention of the shipping community the recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers (Annex A), approved by the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee at its eighty-first session, through Circular MEPC.1/Circ.909. The shipping community is encouraged to adopt the recommendations while taking additional care and appropriate action during the maritime transport of plastic pellets in packaged form.

The recommendations are as follows:


Plastic pellets must be packaged in high-quality materials that can endure the typical shocks and pressures experienced during transportation. The packaging should be designed and sealed to prevent any loss of contents due to vibrations or acceleration forces that may occur under standard transport conditions.


Transport information should clearly indicate, in addition to the cargo details mandated by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Regulation VI/2, any freight containers that hold plastic pellets. The shipper should also complement the cargo information with a special stowage request as per the stowage recommendations.


Freight containers with plastic pellets should be stowed and secured properly to reduce risks to the marine environment while ensuring the safety of the ship and its crew. Specifically, these containers should be stowed:

  • under deck wherever reasonably practical; or
  • inboard in sheltered areas of exposed decks.

The above recommendations are the first step in a two-stage approach to reduce the environmental risks associated with the carriage of plastic pellets in packaged form by sea, pending the MEPC’s consideration of future mandatory measures for the carriage of plastic pellets in freight containers.

To remind, MEPC at its 82nd session, 30 September to 4 October 2024, approved the Guidelines on good practice relating to clean-up of plastic pellets from ship-source releases, offering practical guidance for government authorities on contingency planning, response, post-spill monitoring, analysis, intervention, and cost recovery. This aims to enhance preparedness and management of plastic pellet spills.

Additionally, the Committee tasked the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) to review the Action Plan to Address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships (resolution MEPC.310(73)) to assess the effectiveness of existing measures and develop text for a specific action to include mandatory regulations on plastic pellet transport by sea. These would build on existing non-mandatory recommendations and guidelines.

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Source: MPA Singapore