MSC Signs Shore Power Deal In Hamburg


  • Ships of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) — the world’s largest container shipping line — will be supplied with shore power in the Port of Hamburg in the future.
  • The shipping company has signed an agreement with the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) regarding the supply of electricity to MSC ships at the Eurogate Group’s Hamburg Container Terminal (CTH).
  • This makes MSC the first shipping company to use shore power for both cruise and container vessels.

Container line MSC has signed a deal to make use of shore power facilities in Hamburg, reports Offshore Energy.

Shore power in the Port of Hamburg

The firm has signed a deal with the Hamburg Port Authority for its cargo ships to use shore power at the Hamburg Container Terminal, the port authority said in a statement on its website this week. The facility at the container terminal has three connection points, and 100% of the power supplied there comes from renewable sources.

After we signed a joint letter of intent with MSC Cruises on the use of shore power in the port of Hamburg last June, I am pleased that MSC now wants to contribute to making shipping and port operations more ecological with the use of shore power for container ships in the port of Hamburg,” Friedrich Stuhrmann, chief commercial officer at the Hamburg Port Authority, said in the statement.

Shore power connections allow ships to connect to the land-based grid for their power needs while at berth, reducing their direct emissions.

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Source: Offshore Energy