Navigating The Risks: Safe Transportation Of Charcoal In Containers


Charcoal poses significant fire risks when transported in containers due to its inherent combustibility. Misdeclaration of charcoal as a less hazardous cargo further exacerbates these risks, as it can lead to improper stowage and handling practices, reports Britannia P&I Club.

Origin and Uses

Charcoal is a lightweight substance primarily composed of carbon. It is produced by heating organic material, most commonly wood, with limited oxygen in traditional kilns or through modern industrial processes.

While wood is the primary source, charcoal can also be obtained from other materials such as nut shells, bark, and even animal bones. Charcoal products are typically available in the form of lumps or briquettes. The top five exporters of wood charcoal globally include Indonesia, India, Namibia, Myanmar, and Laos.

Risks Associated 

The primary hazard associated with charcoal is self-heating. Due to its thermal insulating properties, charcoal may not dissipate heat effectively, leading to a rise in temperature and potentially resulting in spontaneous combustion.

Several factors can increase the likelihood of spontaneous combustion in charcoal: 

Wetting: The wetting of the cargo can generate additional heat through an exothermic process. 

Presence of Additives: The inclusion of additives like ignition accelerants or flammable solids, commonly found in products like charcoal tablets used for water pipes, can lower the ignition temperature and increase the risk of fire. 

Chemically Unstable Condition: The presence of incompletely pyrolyzed organic material can make the charcoal chemically unstable, further increasing the risk of fire.

Charcoal can also pose other hazards, including: 

Explosion: Charcoal dust is combustible and can form a flammable or explosive atmosphere. 

Toxicity: Charcoal can release carbon monoxide (CO), which is particularly dangerous in enclosed spaces.

Recommended Practices

CINS Guidelines recommend specific cargo practices for the safe carriage of charcoal, incorporating selected requirements from the IMDG Code and additional precautions.

CINS Guidelines recommend classifying all charcoal shipments as dangerous goods, even before the applicability of the IMDG Code Edition 2024 (Amendment 42-24).

Further recommendations outlined by CINS address key areas such as: 

Container Selection: Appropriate container types should be selected to ensure adequate ventilation and minimize the risk of heat buildup. 

Cargo Weathering and Packaging: Proper weathering and packaging of charcoal are essential to reduce moisture content and prevent spontaneous combustion. 

Container Packing and Vanning Survey: Thorough inspections should be conducted during container packing and vanning to ensure proper loading and securement of the cargo. 

Ship Loading, Container Stowage, and Segregation: Safe and appropriate ship loading, container stowage, and segregation practices should be implemented to minimize the risk of fire and other hazards. 

Documentation Requirements: Comprehensive documentation should be maintained throughout the transportation process, including cargo manifests, inspection reports, and any relevant incident reports.

Preventive Measures

To effectively prevent incidents, preventative measures should be implemented based on a comprehensive risk assessment. This assessment should consider various factors, including the specific circumstances of the ship, the operational situation, provisions of the Safety Management System (SMS), and the overall business environment, including terminals and customers.

The cargo management and booking process should be designed to accurately identify and declare cargo containing charcoal.

Charcoal should be proactively treated as dangerous goods, even before the 2024 edition of the IMDG Code comes into force. The cargo management process should ensure compliance with existing Special Provisions (SP 925 and SP 223) and align with the upcoming SP 978, incorporating requirements for container selection, packaging, stuffing, inspection, stowage, and segregation.

To address potential misdeclarations, carriers should implement effective cargo screening procedures and conduct thorough “Know Your Customer” (KYC) due diligence to ensure accurate classification and declaration of charcoal cargo.

The cargo management process should also consider the potential for misdeclaration of carbonized material intended for manufacturing of UN 1362: CARBON, ACTIVATED.

The weathering report, vanning survey, and other relevant surveys should effectively identify additional risk factors, such as insufficient weathering of charcoal cargo, wetting of the cargo, or the impact of chemical additives on its stability and propensity for self-heating.

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Source: Britannia P&I Club