New Survey Gauges Seafarer Sentiment on Ammonia


The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping released the findings of a comprehensive survey exploring the maritime community’s perceptions of ammonia as an alternative marine fuel. According to respondents, ammonia’s adoption will need to address safety, training, and regulatory challenges.

Acceptance of ammonia as a marine fuel

The survey, conducted with over 2,000 respondents from the maritime sector, including 1,435 seafarers, revealed that 58.6% of participants are willing to sail on or work with ammonia-fuelled vessels. 59% of seafarers and 57% of shore-based personnel expressed their willingness to work with ammonia as a marine fuel, although significant concerns remain about its safety, handling, and the need for comprehensive training.

While ammonia holds significant promise as a zero-carbon fuel, it also presents unique challenges that the industry must address. There have been assumptions and speculations surrounding the willingness to use it. With this survey, we hear the seafarers’ voices, which are to put this into practice,” said Martin Eriksen, head of the centre’s safety leadership and operations.

Our survey finds that there is a willingness to work with ammonia among seafarers. But it will require comprehensive training, and safe onboard fuel systems. This is important for gaining widespread acceptance and ensuring a smooth transition for ammonia as a marine fuel,” Eriksen added.

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Source: The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping