New USCG Examination Program To Verify Engine Room Fire Safety


  • USCG’s Enhanced Examination Program (EEP) to run from April 1st to June 30rd, 2024.
  • Crews should inspect lagging in engine rooms and other machinery spaces to ensure appropriate protection is provided against hot surfaces.

Beginning on 1 April 2024 and continuing until 30 June 2024, USCG Port State Control (PSC) Officers have been directed to carry-out an enhanced exam to verify engine room fire safety, reports Safety4sea.

Enhanced Examination Program (EEP)

The enhanced examination will take place during every USCG PSC A* and PSC B** inspection conducted onboard cargo ships. The USCG PSC team will:

  • Verify proper operation of at least one (1) fuel oil shutoff valve via remote operation. {SOLAS 11-2/
  • Verify proper operation of control of stopping power ventilation for machinery spaces from outside the machinery space. (SOLAS 11-2/
  • Verify presence and condition of protection against hot surfaces (i.e., lagging). {SOLAS 11- 2/26.1)

PSCOs are instructed to not test operation of fuel oil shutoff valves which would affect current operation of a ship’s machinery, to ensure that engines are not starved of fuel.

If available engine room fuel oil shutoff valves cannot be operationally tested without affecting engine or ship operations, PSCOs shall visually examine the material condition of each valve, but not instruct the ship’s crew to carry out operational testing.”

As part of preparation prior to entering U.S. ports, it is recommended that ship’s crews verify operation of remote and local control of fuel oil shutoff valves and verify functionality of power ventilation stopping arrangements. Additionally, crews should inspect lagging in engine rooms and other machinery spaces to ensure appropriate protection is provided against hot surfaces (and ensure lagging is not contaminated with oil).


* PSC A is a “more detailed” exam with increased scope beyond a standard exam, to include operational tests of equipment and witnessing crew performance of drills.
** PSC B is the standard exam which includes a document check with a deck and engine room walk to verify validity of the ship’s certificates. Limited operational tests of equipment and systems may also be conducted. However, the PSCO may expand the scope of the exam, to include additional equipment tests and/or witness drills.

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Source: Safety4sea