New Water on Deck Damage Stability Requirements for Ro-Ro Passenger Ships


The European Union has introduced Directive 2023/946, updating the “water on deck” damage stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships. This amendment aligns EU standards with the stricter provisions outlined in SOLAS 2020, reports Lloyd’s Register.

Key Applicability

Effective December 5, 2024, the directive applies to both new and existing ro-ro passenger ships on international voyages to or from EU Member State ports, provided they were not previously certified under Directive 2003/25/EC or the new directive.

Compliance Requirements

New Ro-Ro Passenger Ships

  • Carrying over 1,350 persons: Must meet SOLAS 2020 Chapter II-1, Part B requirements.
  • Carrying 1,350 or fewer persons: Can comply with Directive 2003/25/EC’s deterministic damage stability rules (Annex I, Section A of Directive 2023/946) or SOLAS 2020 Chapter II-1, Part B standards with an increased required index R (Annex I, Section B).

Existing Ro-Ro Passenger Ships

  • Carrying over 1,350 persons: Must comply with either SOLAS 2020 Chapter II-1, Part B standards or Directive 2003/25/EC’s deterministic rules (as per Annex I, Section A of Directive 2023/946).
  • Carrying 1,350 or fewer persons: Same options as new ships, with requirements for deterministic or specific stability compliance.

Actions for Shipowners and Operators

Shipowners and operators are advised to review the directive’s requirements and ensure compliance for all ro-ro passenger ships operating in EU ports. Adherence to these enhanced standards is mandatory starting December 5, 2024, for ships on international voyages.

By aligning with the latest stability protocols, the directive aims to improve safety and resilience in maritime operations across the EU.

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Source: Lloyd’s Register