Next-Generation Energy-Saving Bulker Built for NYK


  • NYK has committed to building a next-generation energy-saving bulk carrier for Japan Marine United Corporation.
  • The ship is expected to transport raw materials for JFE Steel Corporation under a long-term charter contract between NYK and JFE Steel.
  • The energy-efficient scrubber-equipped vessel is compliant with NOx emission regulations (Tier III) and the IMO SOx emission cap with improved fuel economy.
  • The ship’s emissions also meet the stricter Phase 2 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) requirements entering into force in 2020.

According to an article published in Glory JSC, Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) has concluded a contract with compatriot shipbuilder Japan Marine United Corporation (JMU) for the construction of a next-generation energy-saving bulk carrier.

Next-generation energy-saving bulker

The next-generation energy-saving bulk carrier features a length of 299.9 meters and a breadth of about 50 meters, the newbuild is scheduled for delivery in 2021.

As informed, the 211,000 dwt ship is expected to transport raw materials for JFE Steel Corporation under a long-term charter contract between NYK and JFE Steel.

Primarily used for iron ore trading

The vessel, which will fly the flag of Panama, will be a Capesize bulker for trading iron ore and coking coal in and around the Pacific. The new energy-efficient scrubber-equipped vessel will not only be compliant with NOx emission regulations (Tier III) and the IMO SOx emission cap but will also have a larger cargo space than a conventional ship, leading to improved fuel economy, according to the company.

EEDI requirements mandatory

The ship’s carbon dioxide emissions also meet the stricter Phase 2 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) requirements entering into force in 2020.

In addition, cargo hold corrosion-resistant steel developed by JFE Steel will be used for the parts of the ship to improve corrosion resistance.

With a total gross tonnage of 108,900 tons, the new eco ship will be able to reach a navigational speed of 14.5 knots.

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Source: GloryJSC