No Way AI Can Replace Intelligent Human



  • The ups and downs of 2020, as well as market and operational complexities, underline one simple fact.
  • No system can replace an intelligent human who asks the right questions and is backed up with experience, contacts, a telephone and sense of humour.

According to a recent news article published in Splash 247, Ioannis Psarros, chief commercial officer of Signal Maritime Services discusses the limitations of AI for tanker chartering.

Let us get into key details without much ado.

Technology at signal but not at intuitive shipbroking

At Signal we are passionate about technology and the significant assistance it can bring to shipping professionals.

But we don’t believe that algorithms can replace good intuitive shipbroking.

AI is not going to take your jobs

Despite what you may have read in the media, AI is not going to take away your job.

This is because of one simple reason: it is not acceptable to make mistakes that humans consider obvious. AI makes a lot of those.

AI makes these mistakes because it has no sense of context.

It just has a mechanised way of viewing the world and executing repetitive tasks.

So, although AI can be very useful in elevating end-to-end performance, you always need a human to supervise AI systems and make the right calls.

Tough tanker market

It’s tough for everyone in the tanker business at the moment.

How do you beat the market when cargo demand is down and vessel oversupply is keeping volatility at low levels?

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Source: Splash247

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