NYK & Partners Complete ARLFV Concept Design


Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), MTI Co., Ltd. (MTI), and Finnish maritime consulting and engineering firm Elomatic have completed the development of a concept design for an ammonia-fuel ready LNG-fuelled vessel (ARLFV), reads a NYK press release.

As previously reported, in September 2021, the trio launched the project, which aims to develop a vessel that can efficiently be converted from LNG-fuelled to ammonia-fuelled, based on the assumption that ammonia will become a next-generation marine fuel.

Phase 1

During Phase 1 of the project, from September 2021 to the end of February 2022, the partners designed an ARLFV to perform the functions of a pure car carrier and a post-panamax bulker.

Phase 1.5

During Phase 1.5, which will continue until June 2022, the trio will design a similar concept for a capesize bulk carrier and a very large crude oil carrier.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, which will run until the end of 2022, the companies will proceed with the actual design of an ARLFV with a shipyard and marine manufacturers, reflecting the results obtained in the concept design, such as the optimal fuel-tank layout, ammonia-fuel supply device, and structural strength of the hull.

This project will be completed when the actual ship design is completed,’ said NYK. ‘Afterward, we will propose to customers and business partners a transportation service that can transition trouble-free from an LNG-fuelled vessel to an ammonia-fuelled vessel through use of an ARLFV.’

The trio says it plans to offer customers ARLFV contracts in 2023 and aim to complete building the first ARLFVs in 2025.

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Source: NYK Line