Ocean’s Dazzling Northern Lights: Bioluminescent Plankton

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Emma Tumulty finally witnesses a mesmerizing natural phenomenon on the Welsh coasts—the ethereal blue glow of bioluminescent plankton, as published on BBC.

A dream becomes reality

These tiny creatures emit light when disturbed, creating a captivating light display along the waves. Social media has played a significant role in spreading awareness and enabling people to share real-time information about plankton sightings. As a result, more and more people are flocking to Welsh beaches at night to experience this magical phenomenon firsthand, comparing it to the awe-inspiring beauty of the northern lights.

In June, Emma’s dream became a reality as she had a remarkable experience at Caswell Bay in Gower, Swansea. It was a bucket list moment for the 42-year-old teacher from Cardiff, who had previously encountered bioluminescent plankton during a night dive in Thailand many years ago. Little did she know that she could witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon much closer to home.

Plankton sightings 

When she found out, she was determined to see it in her native country.

Emma had been longing to witness bioluminescent plankton for several years. She previously tried to see it in Anglesey but was unsuccessful. Determined to experience it, she joined a Facebook group dedicated to sharing information about plankton sightings. Last weekend, Emma and three friends embarked on an overnight trip to Gower, hoping to witness the phenomenon. After searching three bays, they finally found the glowing water at Caswell Beach. Emma was mesmerized and compared the experience to the northern lights. Although they left at 2 am, Emma plans to continue her quest by visiting Newton Beach in Porthcawl next weekend.

Facebook membership

Emma advises that to witness the bioluminescent plankton, it is crucial to be in a very dark environment without any torchlight or headlights. Some individuals have complained about people shining torches at the sea, obstructing the view for others. Emma believes that people may not realize that the phenomenon requires complete darkness to be fully appreciated. During her experience at Caswell Beach, everyone’s torches were turned off once the plankton glowed, leaving them mesmerized by the natural beauty. Peter Boden-Ryan, a founding member of the Facebook group dedicated to plankton sightings, has witnessed a significant increase in membership since its establishment in 2017.

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Source: BBC