Officials Bust 635 Kilos of Cocaine Within 2 Days


Customs officials found a total of 635 kilos of cocaine on two separate instances on Friday and Saturday in the port of Rotterdam, reports NL Times quoting the Public Prosecution Services (OM).

Cocaine aboard coal carrier

On Friday afternoon, the OM said custom officials found 115 kilos of cocaine with a street value of 8.5 million euros on board the bulk ship “Golden Calvus” carrying coal from Columbia. Authorities found the batch stashed away in an anchor chain compartment.

Cocaine stash with bagasse

On Saturday, customs officials discovered 520 kilos of cocaine in a container filled with bagasse. Bagasse is animal feed created from the residual product of sugar cane. The container ship from Brazil was destined for a company in Manchester. The narcotics have an estimated street value of around 39 million euros.

In total, customs officials confiscated 1,817 kilos of cocaine this week in the port of Rotterdam.

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Source: NL Times