Oldendorff Carriers Invests in Navigation Solutions Start-up


  • German bulk carrier specialist Oldendorff Carriers has decided to invest and become a minor shareholder of Groke Technologies.
  • Groke Technologies is a Finnish start-up creating navigation solutions and developing new navigation technologies.

A recent news article published in the Ship Insight states that Oldendorff takes stake in Finnish navigation start-up Groke.

Oldendorff Carriers introduction 

Oldendorff Carriers has a close relationship with the Japanese trading and investing firm, Mitsubishi Corporation, who is the leading investor of Groke Technologies and introduced the company to Oldendorff.

Owning and operating 750 chartered and owned ships on average, Oldendorff empathised with Groke’s vision to not jump into autonomy but rather focusing on the support of crews and safety of the navigation and came to a decision to invest in Groke.

Groke Technologies established in 2019

Groke Technologies is a Finnish start-up established in 2019 in cooperation with Mitsubishi Corporation.

Groke is developing intelligent navigation systems for shipping operations with the aim of creating safer and more comfortable working conditions on-board vessels.

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Source: Ship Insight