OOCL Wins Singapore’s Coveted Eco Achievement Award



OOCL, a Hong Kong based multinational, owned by Orient Overseas International Limited, is one of the world’s largest integrated international container transportation, logistics and terminal companies.  As one of Hong Kong’s most recognized global brands, OOCL provides customers with fully-integrated logistics and containerized transportation services, with a network that encompasses Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia.

Japanese box-shipping firm OOCL (Orient Overseas Container Line Limited) Japan received the much coveted 2015 Singapore Environmental Achievement Award (Regional SEAA).

The firm which firmly believes in environment safety and pollution control was recognised for their efforts and was felicitated last week, at a recent gala ceremony held by the Singapore Environment council.  This was SEAA’s 20th Annual gala celebration.

The SEAA awards were first launched in November 1997 by the then Environment Minister Mr. Yeo Cheow Tong.  This was with a view to bestow the highest honour to companies and organizations that contributed positively and consistently toward environmental protection using innovation in sustainability.

OOCL  press release says “, the award is “recognised by the community as one of the most prestigious and reputable environmental award schemes in Singapore”.

As a practice, OOCL complies and exceeds all international, national and local rules and regulations for environmental safety and security.  At OOCL, serious steps have been taken to reduce air and noise emissions, carefully controlling the use of our natural resources and scrupulously monitoring oil and waste disposal, Ballast Water Management and the use of TBT-free anti-fouling paint to the hulls of their vessel.

Source: OOCL