Panama Canal Pacific Locks Leak



The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced today regarding the localized seepage found in the concrete sill between the lower and middle chamber of the Canal’s expanded Pacific Locks.  Grupo Unidos por el Canal, S.A. (GUPC), the contractor responsible for the design and construction of the Third Set of Locks had informed ACP regarding the leak.

GUPC attributed the localized seepage as the result of stress from extreme condition testing due to insufficient reinforcement.  GUPC examined all the other sills in both lock complexes.  In addition to reinforcing the sill that presented the issue, GUPC would also reinforce the first and second sill in the Cocoli Locks and the first three sills in the Atlantic-facing Agua Clara Locks as a preventative measure.

GUPC also committed that the date of completion of the Expansion Project will remain April 2016, as planned.  GUPC’s contract with the ACP clearly states that the group is responsible for all corrections that may be required to ensure the long-term performance on all aspects of the construction of the locks as per the quality standards established in the contract.

The ACP will monitor the situation and communicate next steps.

Source: Panama Canal