Panama Ship Registry Shifts New York Office to Miami


The Panama Ship Registry is moving its New York Technical Documentation Office of Ships Segumar office that oversees all technical queries and responds to customers to Miami, Florida.

Quality service:

“With the re-location of the Segumar-office, we will provide quality service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to our customers on the US East Coast. This strategic move will give us the possibility of establishing better and more effective policies to access the shipping market that is linked to and developed from the Miami area, while opening new contacts with the large passenger ships industry (based in Florida and surroundings) as well as the drilling rigs (MODUS) companies that operate on the coasts of Florida, New Orleans and Texas,” said Panama Minister of Maritime Affairs Jorge Barakat.

Strengthening links:

Likewise, the technical team of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) will be able to interact with the United States Coast Guard and, in this way strengthen even more the existing links between the two administrations.

The functions of the Miami Segumar office will be to co-ordinate and execute actions related to technical inspections of Panamanian vessels for the safety of navigation and human life at sea, issue technical certifications, coordinate the issuance of Statutory certificates by the Recognised Organisations (ROs) and the collection of the rights that correspond to the Maritime Administration.

The office will also organise the investigation and applications of corrective actions in the vessels of the Panamanian Registry.

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Source: Segumar