Panama’s Maritime Laws Rewritten for a New Era

Credits: Panama Canal Authority

Panama’s maritime evolution takes a significant step forward as the Panama Maritime Authority revamps key regulations, positioning the nation as a dynamic and competitive force in the global maritime arena. The Amp source.

  • Panama’s Maritime Authority modernizes key regulations to elevate its status as a global maritime hub.
  • Collaborative efforts lead to updates in Decree Law 8 of 1998 and Law 57 of 2008, propelling competitiveness.
  • Maritime transformation aims to enhance worker conditions, attract investment, and solidify Panama’s role in the global maritime sector.

Global Maritime Hub

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) has embarked on a mission to establish Panama as a premier international maritime services center. In collaboration with key stakeholders, the AMP has received final reports from consultations aimed at modernizing Decree Law 8 of 1998 and Law 57 of 2008, two vital regulations shaping the maritime landscape.

Innovative Collaborative Approach

Elevating the spirit of cooperation, two working groups were formed to scrutinize and adapt existing regulations, incorporating novel elements. Partnering with the Inter-American School of Social Dialogue, Tripartism, and Conflict Resolution, the University of Panama introduced a pioneering method, uniting experts in conflict resolution and social dialogue.

Revolutionizing Maritime Labor

Under the umbrella of the Merchant Maritime Dialogue Table (MEDIMM), the modernization of Law 57 of 2008 took center stage. After rigorous review, the draft bill emerged with over 70 modifications, 10 eliminations, and more than 12 proposed new articles. This revamp is poised to boost Panama’s competitiveness in the global maritime arena and bolster the Panama Ship Registry’s stature.

Empowering Maritime Growth

The evolution of maritime regulations is poised to deliver a transformative impact. The amendments, guided by tripartite consultation principles, aim to enhance working conditions for seafarers, stimulate job generation, and attract investment in a flexible regulatory framework. As Panama’s maritime sector undergoes this substantial upgrade, it sets sail towards a future marked by dynamism and global prominence.

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