Paris MoU Publishes Guidelines On Certification Of Seafarers And Manning Requirements


Paris MoU has published guidelines to guide the certification of Seafarers and Manning Requirements according to the STCW Convention, MLC, and SOLAS.

Application On Ships 

As explained, SOLAS regulation V/14.2 on ships’ manning only applies to ships covered by Chapter I of SOLAS 1974. The STCW 1978 Convention as amended applies to seafarers serving on board seagoing ships. The MLC, 2006 applies to seafarers as defined in the convention. Both STCW and MLC are divided into a mandatory part A and a nonmandatory part B. The Part Bs are not applicable during the inspection.

Any new or single deficiency which is either a deficiency related to SOLAS 1974, STCW 1978, or other IMO Conventions, should preferably be registered with these convention’s references. When the deficiency is only MLC, 2006 related, refer to the appropriate PSCC instructions.

Seafarer Certificates and Documents

  1. The inspection should be limited to verification that seafarers serving on board, who are required to be certificated, hold the appropriate Certificate of
    Competency (CoC), Certificate of Proficiency (CoP), and documentary evidence issued under chapters II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended, as well as their relevant flag State endorsement, valid dispensation, or documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the flag State Administration, where applicable. These documents are evidence of having completed all required training and that the required standard of competence has been achieved.
  2. Further guidance regarding certificates and endorsements and a list of certificates or documentary evidence required under the STCW Convention can be found in STCW Code Part B / Section B-I/2
  3. During the verification of the seafarers’ certificates and documents, the PSCO should confirm that they apply to the ship’s characteristics, operation, and board position.
  4. The PSCO should be aware that the requirement for radio operators contained in STCW Reg I/4.2.4 and II/1 may be different from the minimum requirements specified in the MSMD and/or in the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate or in the record of equipment of Cargo Ship Safety Certificate. In this case, the requirements of the MSMD should be accepted. 
  5. Following the provision of article VI Paragraph 2 of the STCW 1978 Convention, certificates for masters and officers shall be endorsed by the issuing Administration in the form prescribed in regulation I/2 of the annex to the convention. The requirement in Article VI also covers CoC for masters and officers and CoP issued under the provisions of regulations V/1-1 and V/1-2 to masters and officers.
  6. The certificates may be issued as one certificate with the required endorsement incorporated. If so incorporated, the form used should be that outlined in section A-I/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.
  7. The endorsement may also be issued as a separate document. If so, the form used should be that outlined in section A-I/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.
  8. However, Administrations may use a format for certificates and endorsements different from those given in section A-I/2 of the STCW Code, provided that, at a minimum, the required information is provided in Roman characters and Arabic figures. Permitted variations to the format are set out in section A-I/2, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code.
  9. Certificates of competency, endorsements, and endorsements attesting to the recognition of a certificate issued as separate documents should each be assigned a unique number, except that endorsements attesting the issuance of a certificate may be assigned the same number as the certificate concerned, provided that number is unique.
  10. Certificates of competency, endorsements, and endorsements attesting to the recognition of a certificate issued as separate documents should include a date of expiry. The date of expiry on an endorsement issued as a separate document should not exceed 5 years from the date of issue and may never exceed the date of expiry on the certificate. Endorsements attesting the issue of a certificate and endorsements attesting the recognition of a certificate (Reg I/10) shall include a date of expiry which can not be more than five years after the date of issue. An endorsement expires as soon as the certificate endorsed expires or is suspended, canceled or withdrawn.
  11. A CoP issued to a master or an officer per regulation V/1-1 or V/1-2, as well as a CoC that has been issued by a State other than the flag State of the ship in which the seafarer is engaged, is required to be recognized by the ship’s flag State. If the PSCO identifies that the flag State has recognized a CoC or CoP from a Party not listed in MSC.1/Circ.1163, as amended, clarification should be sought from the flag Administration. According to regulation I/10, paragraph 4 of the STCW Convention, certificates issued by or under the authority of a Party shall not be recognized by the ship’s flag State Administration.
  12. An Administration that recognizes under regulation I/10 a CoC or CoP issued to masters and officers should endorse that certificate to attest to its recognition. The form of the endorsement should be that found in section A-I/2 paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.
  13. Incorrect wording or missing information may be a cause for suspicion regarding fraudulent certificates or endorsements. In this case, the PSCO should act and investigate according to the procedure defined in section 3.4.


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Source: ParisMOU