Paris MoU Site Offers Inspection Results in User-Friendly Way


Paris MoU Introduces a new statistical feature on inspection results throughout the region.


Paris MoU site offers access online to know the results of inspection throughout the region. It has introduced a new statistical feature on inspection in an easily accessible and user-friendly way.  The results of the validated inspections, within the PMoU region, will be available on the site with options to present in a customized way.

  • First Option: Inspection results KPI’s – will have the selection criterias like flag, state, year, ship type, ship profile.
  • Second option: Inspection Result Deficiencies – will show the top 20 deficiencies of safety, environment and living and working conditions.  Criteria are area itself, ship types, flag States, per year.

At the end of each month, the data will be refreshed with the previous month.

Source: Paris MoU