Paris & Tokyo MoU Launch Joint Inspection Campaign on Crew Wages And SEAs


  • A joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CiC) will run from September 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024, focusing on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements (SEAs).
  • The campaign aims to assess compliance with the Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), particularly concerning wage payments and SEAs.
  • Ship managers and crew must ensure all SEA documents are correctly signed and accessible, and wage payments comply with MLC requirements.

The Paris & Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) will initiate a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CiC) from September 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024, focusing on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements (SEAs). This inspection will add to regular Port State Control (PSC) inspections, reports Safety4sea.

About the campaign

The campaign aims to evaluate how well parties comply with the Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), especially regarding Crew Wages and SEAs. SQE Marine, a consulting firm, has issued a circular to guide stakeholders on meeting the new CiC requirements. A 10-question checklist will be used to aid preparation.

  1. SEA Signatures: Is the SEA signed by both the seafarer, the shipowner, or their representative?
  2. Access to Employment Information: Can seafarers access their employment conditions information on board?
  3. English Version of SEA: Are standard forms of SEAs and collective bargaining agreements available in English?
  4. SEA Compliance: Does the SEA include all required elements as per MLC 2006 Standard?
  5. SEA Particulars: Do the particulars in the SEA meet MLC, 2006 requirements?
  6. Wage Payment Intervals: Are seafarers’ wages paid at intervals no greater than monthly?
  7. Wage Statements: Are seafarers given monthly statements of their accounts and wages?
  8. CBA and SEA Compliance: Are wage payments by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or SEA?
  9. Deductions: Are any deductions from seafarers’ wages in compliance with the MLC Convention?
  10. Financial Security Certificates:
  • Death and Disability: Is there a certificate of financial security for compensation in case of death or long-term disability?
  • Repatriation: Is there a certificate of financial security for repatriation?

Best Practices for Compliance:

  1. Signed SEAs: Ensure SEAs are signed by both parties and are valid before allowing seafarers to embark. Regularly check for expired agreements.
  2. Employment Conditions Access: Provide seafarers with documentation on their employment conditions and maintain electronic copies onboard.
  3. English Documentation: Maintain English versions of SEAs and collective agreements onboard and ensure they are available to inspectors.
  4. SEA Elements: Verify that SEAs include all required elements and particulars as specified by MLC 2006 before seafarers embark.
  5. Payment Intervals: Ensure wages are paid monthly or as agreed and provide seafarers with statements of their wage status.
  6. CBA Compliance: Confirm that wage payments adhere to CBA or SEA terms and provide receipts or proof of payment.
  7. Deductions: Justify and document any deductions from wages and ensure they are compliant with the MLC Convention.
  8. Financial Security Evidence: Maintain certificates of financial security for death, disability, and repatriation in English, accessible for inspection.

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Source: Safety4sea