New Ships’ Routeing Systems


The IMO NCSR Sub-Committee has approved the Danish Maritime Authority’s proposal for new ships’ routeing measures, thereby bringing new routes in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat one step closer and enhancing safety of navigation.

Because of developments in shipping, the ships transiting these waters today are larger than those for which the routes were originally designed. Approx. 7,000 ships transit the Kattegat each year, the majority of which are deep-draught ships heading to or coming from the Baltic Sea. Consequently, there is a need to extend existing ships’ routes, thereby making it easier to keep the traffic separate, in accordance with the largest water depths.

New route proposal

Therefore, the Danish Maritime Authority has – in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Agency and the agencies responsible for nautical charts in both countries – developed proposals for new ships’ routeing measures in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat.

Director Per Sønderstrup from the Danish Maritime Authority said, ”Danish shipping is characterised by quality shipping as regards ships, seafarers and the maritime infrastructure. And therefore, we must also have the very best routeing systems in Danish waters that support safety of navigation. I am pleased that our hard work on ships’ routes has now reached a milestone. Thereby, we have taken a major step towards the introduction of the new ships’ routeing measures”.

Now, the ships’ routeing measures are to be approved by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee this May with a view to implement in July 2020.

The new ships’ routeing measures consist of the following:

  • Two recommended routes between Hanstholm and the Skaw, referred to as Route A and Route B
  • A traffic separation system at the Skaw
  • Deep-water routes between Læsø and Anholt and east of Grenå
  • A new precautionary area north-east of Læsø
  • A new Route S along the Swedish coast
  • Three new traffic separation systems along Route S. One of them in the northern part of the Sound

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Source: Danish Maritime Authority