Philippine Vessel Crew Prevents Piracy Attempt



Incident : Piracy Attempt
Vessel : M/V Cecilia
Date : October 10, 2015
En route : Davao to Santos City

The crew members onboard the Philippine-flagged vessel, which was travelling off the Davao del Sur province, thwarted a piracy attempt.

At the Scene:

  • Eight men on two motorized boats were arriving towards the vessel.
  • Captain Elvy Elim saw the pirate boats approaching the vessel and alerted the Coastguard.
  • He alerted the crew members to seal the entry points and lock themselves in their rooms.
  • The Pirates rounded the ship and tried to enter the rooms for food.
  • One hour after the distress signal the response team arrived.
  • The empty-handed pirates left the scene before the arrival of the response team.

Source: CTV News