PIL Conducts Marine Biofuel Trials


Pacific International Lines (PIL) is conducting a trial use of marine biofuel on its container vessel “Kota Megah” when it called at the port of Singapore on 10 April 2022, reports Seatrade Maritime News.

The aim of the trial is to test the feasibility of using marine biofuel on the engines of the vessel, and to obtain first-hand data on the potential carbon and other emissions.

Biofuel as a potential “drop-in” fuel solution

In this way, PIL will be able to better assess the technical and commercial viability of using bio-fuel as a potential “drop-in” fuel solution to achieve the overall reduction in carbon emissions of its vessels.

This marine biofuel trial is another important step for us in our journey towards reducing carbon emissions across our fleet. While we have identified LNG, which reduces carbon emissions by around 20%, as the most immediate and pragmatic transitional fuel option for the ships which we recently ordered, we are also looking at similar practical solutions for our existing ships,” said Mr. Lars Kastrup, Co-President and Executive Director, PIL, said.

He added that “We will continue to play our part in exploring and investing in the variety of decarbonisation solutions and technologies. We believe such investments are necessary to support the scaling up of the supply and infrastructure so as to enable the wide-spread adoption of the net zero fuels of the future.”

FAME and VLSFO blend

As informed, the type of biofuel on trial is a blend of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO).

PIL’s vessel involved in this trial, Kota Megah, is plying the China Pakistan Service (CPS) route. From Singapore, it sailed on to Port Kelang, Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Karachi, Colombo, Port Kelang, Hong Kong and finally Shanghai.

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Source: Seatrade Maritime News