Piracy And Armed Robbery Increases By 18% In The First Six Months Of 2015



ReCAAP ICS has released a report for the first half of the year (January – June 2015) on the infographics and data of the piracy and armed robbery against vessels.  According to the report there has been an increase in number of incidents pertaining to piracy and robbery using arms. 

Statistical data presented in the report 

  • Minimum of 1 incident in each month during Jan-Jun 2015
  • 10 serious incidents of ship fuel/oil siphoning & hijacking
  • Totally 11 incidents accounting for siphoning & hijacking
  • 18% of increase in incidents (Jan-Jun 2015) as compared to Jan-Jun 2014
  • 56 Percentage of incidents happened in Straits of Malacca and Singapore
  • 106 Incidents happened in Jan-Jun 2015

The above data calls for the beefing up of security measures to safeguard the vessels from such threats in the upcoming 2nd half of 2015.  The ReCAAP along with its Focal Points and regional authorities gears up to ensure the safety and timely assistance to victim ships besides timely sharing of information.