Pirates Attack Vessel


Duty officer on board a Singapore- flagged vessel noticed suspicious men skiff 2 men in Gulf of Aden.

What happened?

While sailing, the duty officer on board Singapore-flagged tanker noticed a suspicious mother boat with unknown number of people on board and two skiffs with two men on board each skiff at 0940 UTC in position 13:27.75N – 050:12.24E, IRTC, Gulf of Aden.

Security Alerted

Duty officer informed the master who activated security measures by activating the deck water spray, broadcasted the security situation through VHF Ch 16 and stationed three guards at the bridge.

Lock Down Procedure Initiated

He commenced the lock down procedure and informed company’s CSO, operator and UKMTO of the situation. Following tanker manoeuvres and increased speed, the mother boat and its two skiffs stopped chasing the tanker.

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Source: PVI