PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) has secured two collaboration agreements with global partners, says an article published on Xinde marinenews.
Inauguration of the PIS
The signings were held with the inauguration of the PIS branch office in Dubai, UAE (PIS ME) on December 23, 2022.
PIS signed a Heads of Agreement (HoA) with BGN International DMCC (BGN), and a Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with Elite Tankship Pte Ltd (Elite Tankship).
Agreement addresses
The HoA with BGN was signed by the CEO of BGN Group, Ruya Bayegan, and the CEO of PIS, Yoki Firnandi.
The agreement addresses a Joint Venture (JV) establishment by the two companies for the acquisition, maintenance, and operation of VLGC (Very Large Gas Carriers) vessels and/or other types of vessels.
Largest LPG importer
BGN, headquartered in the UAE, is one of the world’s largest LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) trading companies and the largest LPG importer in Indonesia.
“The VLGC business will support BGN’s imports of Pertamina’s LPG. At some point, it might endorse the cargo market of ammonia,” said Commercial Director of PIS, Arief Sukmara.
Areas covered
The MoC with Elite Tankship addresses Clean Petroleum Products (CPP), Dirty Petroleum Products (DPP), gas and other commodities needed in the Middle East, and other areas covered by the parties.
The MoC was signed by Elite Tankship CEO Mangish Kakodkar, and PIS Director of Operations and Singapore Managing Director Brilian Perdana.
Contract period
Elite Tankship, headquartered in Singapore, established collaboration with PIS in chartering the VLCC Pertamina Prime, the largest owned vessel and the company’s pride, in May 2022 for a six-year contract period.
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Source: Xinde marinenews