Pollution Caused Due to Supply Vessel Grounding


Pollution Caused Due To Supply Vessel Grounding


Accident type Grounding
Vessels involved Endeavour
Date : 27th October 2015
Location St. Lucie Inlet off Sewall’s Point, Florida
Flag : Vanuatu
Casualties/Oil spill : No Casualties but some amount of diesel fuel spilt.


The 59 foot long supply vessel, used to bring aid to Haiti ran aground in St. Lucie Inlet off Sewall’s Point, Florida.  The vessel was carrying 2000 gallons of Diesel fuel when it grounded.  The vessel partially sank spilling some of its diesel fuel. A light sheen was visible around the vessel.  A salvage firm is contracted to raise the vessel and cleanup the pollution.  No reports of injuries to the five persons on board.

Source: Shipwrecklog