Prepare For Tougher At-Berth Emissions Reductions

Credits: Jude Mack/ Unsplash

Further measures to curb ship emissions in Californian ports may emerge from the Californian Air Resources Board, reports Ship And Bunker.

Cold ironing

While the authority requires some ships to switch to cold ironing when at berth, stafff at the organisation have asked the CARB board for direction on the issue, accoding shipping news provider Tradewinds citing a new report from the organisation.

Although CARB did not respond to the Tradewinds story, a local ngo spokesperson was quoted as saying that staff “need direction from their board first to prioritise this.”

A public workshop for comment on the proposals is to be held by CARB staff in January after which they will look to the board for direction in April, the report said.

The current ruling on at berth emissions took effect in 2021 with monitoring starting next year.

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Source: Ship And Bunker