Presence of Biodiesel Waste Indicated in VLSFO Bunkers in Panama


According to a latest ViswaLab technical update, an increase in high Acid Number VLSFO fuel samples bunkered in Panama is noticed since the beginning of December. 

Samples tested at ViswaLab

  • ViswaLab has tested 12 samples with Acid Numbers between 1.08 and 1.75 mg KOH/g. 
  • This is higher than normal. 
  • All 12 samples were from a single supplier. 

Presence of biodiesel waste indicated

A detailed GCMS acid analysis on these fuels indicated presence of C16 and C18 olefinic acids which could be from:

  • waste biodiesel,
  • TOFA,
  • Seed oil Fatty acids etc. 

The contamination in these fuels is similar to what was identified in the Houston area fuel contamination issue from 2018. 

Effects of these contaminants

Over 200 ships suffered significant damage including serious wear on the fuel pump plunger and barrels. 

Please let the supplier know that you are aware of these problems when you bunker in the Panama and ask for a COQ (Certificate of Quality) that includes the Acid Number value. 

To assist with questions related to 2020 fuels Viswa has started an in‐house ‘Working Group’. You can reach us at 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like your VLSFO’s tested. 

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Source: Viswa Group