Probing Into Port State Control Detention Trends


The RMI Maritime Registry is one of the leading registries in the world with year-over-year continued growth. The RMI is not only whitelisted with the Paris and Tokyo Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) but has also maintained QUALSHIP 21 status with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for 20 consecutive years, which is unprecedented. 

Overall Growth 

In addition, the RMI is also on the White Lists of both the Paris and Tokyo MOUs. These factors, in addition to the Registry’s investment in people and expertise, also contribute to the overall growth of the Registry. The most important asset to the RMI Registry is its customers, and IRI strives to provide them with full service from any of its 28 worldwide offices, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



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Source: RegisterIRI