Product Tanker Collides with Lock’s Gate



A product tanker reportedly collided with Southern Lock’s gate during transit.

What happened?

The product tanker Atlantic Mate collided with Southern Lock’s gate at Brunsbuettel during transit through Kiel Canal in southern direction.  The vessel suffered mechanical failure and crew was unable to stop the dead inertia, which caused collision with the lock’s gate.

The ship suffered only slight damages and dents, whereas gate lock was seriously damaged and was taken out of service.  The tanker was en route from Klaipeda to Antwerp with cargo of naphtha.

No breaches or oil leaks were reported.

The vessel was docked at Brunsbuettel for special survey and safety investigation.  After assessing the seaworthiness the product tanker Atlantic Mate will be released to return in service.

The local authorities started investigation for the root cause of the accident.  The traffic through Kiel Canal was affected after collision, but there was no reported congestion.  The damages over the canal’s lock will be assessed at further stage, but there is no official information, when the lock will be operational again.

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Source: Kieler Nachrichten