Profile of Jebel Ali Port


Tuscor Lloyds has released an infographic that provides an informative overview of DP World’s Port of Jebel Ali.


Tuscor Lloyds, International Freight Forwarder & Shipping Agent offering shipping and freight forwarding solutions, has released an infographic that provides an informative overview of DP World’s Port of Jebel Ali.  This port is one of the largest and most advanced ports in the world and the largest in the Middle East.  This port is owned by DP World, a company that owns ports around the world.  It’s portfolio consists of more than 65 marine terminals across six continents including new developments underway in India, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.  It has maintained its lead as the world’s most productive port at Jebel Ali and has started its work on its T4 container terminal.  The port caters to more than two billion people and provides a strategic doorway to the Middle Eastern trade market.

Mohammad Al Muallem, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of DP World, is contributing technical Paper focusing on Jebel Ali Port’s unique award-winning operations to the PTI’s upcoming Mega-Ports Edition.  The special edition would be carrying a mention of Jebel Ali port achievement.


Source: Tuscor Lloyds