Protocol for Shore-Based Personnel Boarding Vessels


  • Any shore-based personnel who is going on board a vessel in the port must produce proof that he/she has a valid COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test taken.
  • It should be taken as part of the RRT programme before boarding the vessel.
  • The test result must be within the last 14 days for shore-based personnel who are fully vaccinated and within the last 7 days for unvaccinated shore-based personnel.

A recent press release by MPA Singapore deals with requirements for shore-based personnel boarding vessels at anchorages, shipyards, terminals and marinas, in the port of Singapore.

RRT Programme

Shore-based personnel who are not on a RRT programme will be required to show a valid negative test result from a COVID-19 PCR test or Antigen Rapid Test (ART) within 72 hours prior to boarding the vessel.

The following link helps you to do the needful circulars/details/list-of-covid-19-swab-providers

The COVID-19 PCR test or ART may be done at any of the MOH-approved COVID-19  test providers.

After disembarking, these shore- based personnel must take a PCR test between the 5th and 7th day, and a final PCR test on the 11th.

The costs of these tests for shore-based personnel who are not on a RRT programme would be at the shore-based personnel’s own or their employers’ expense.

Proof of the tests for Personnel

Proof of the tests or RRT attendance may be on paper or by electronic means (e.g. SmartEntry@Sea, HealthHub SG app, SGWorkPass app etc.). The proof of the test must show the date/time of the test and the test result.

Role of owners, occupiers and managers

All owners, occupiers and managers of any waterfront facility – i.e. any pier, wharf, dock, terminal, marina – must ensure that any shore-based personnel going on board a vessel in the port, produce proof of the requisite test (described in paragraph3) or RRT attendance, before allowing the shore-based personnel to go on board.

The owner, occupier or manager of any waterfront facility must also not allow any shore- based personnel who has any specified symptom (coughing, sneezing, breathlessness, a runny nose, loss of sense of smell or anosmia) or is otherwise physically unwell, to go on board the vessel.

A stricter approach from owners, agents and masters

The owner, agent and master of the vessel which the shore-based personnel is boarding, must check and not allow the shore-based personnel to board if the personnel does not have the requisite test result (described in paragraph 3) or RRT attendance or if the personnel has any specified symptom (coughing, sneezing, breathlessness, a runny nose, loss of sense of smell or anosmia) or is otherwise physically unwell.

For more details click here 

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Source : MPA Singapore