Protocols for a Smooth Crew Change & Crew Vaccination


ECSA and the ETF jointly proposed protocols to achieve a smooth process of crew change and their treatment at ports of call worldwide, reports Maritime Bulletin. 

Maritime Labor Convention meet

ECSA/ETF’s statement was released ahead of a meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labor Convention.

The proposals

Some of their proposed protocols, addressing Member States (MS) of the infamous MLC, seems pretty reasonable.

  • MS is to ensure that seamen can travel to and from their country of domicile and their place of work without restriction and move freely between regions and states of applicable countries.
  • MS should exempt seamen from quarantine upon arrival in the jurisdiction in which they will sign on to their vessel.
  • MS, in planning for vaccination programs in their own jurisdictions, should ensure that seamen can access vaccinations as a priority.

Unlawful mass vaccination

ECSA/ETF of course didn’t dare to deviate from mandatory course and didn’t demand, specifically and unequivocally, the ban of mass crew vaccinations. 

No party is in the right to demand or order crew vaccination, be it MShealth authorities or shipowner or charterer, in any given port of call worldwide, or in ports of MS, claiming to become vaccination hub”. Any such demand/order should be considered unlawful or downright criminal.

Extremely dangerous

Such mass vaccinations are extremely dangerous for the health and lives of the crews, as it is probably, demonstrated by recent mysterious cases of mass crew illnesses and deaths (4 deaths allegedly caused by covid since the launch of mass vaccination, with no death cases recorded during the year 2020 and early 2020). 

There’s an alarming recent accident with the Suezmax tanker, which had to be moved from anchorage to port by several tugs because the ship was immobilized by mass and sudden crew sickness. 

For more information read our article Suezmax Tanker Immobilized Due To Mass Sick Crew

What will happen to ships and crews, when ships are immobilized by sudden mass sickness while deep in the ocean? There’s no other plausible explanation for these recent accidents, except connecting them to mass vaccinations.

Seafarers’ rights 

“Shipping groups have criticized governments for blocking crew changes despite claiming to uphold seafarers’ rights under the Maritime Labor Convention”.

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Source: Maritime Bulletin