During April of 2023 a Bulk Carrier, inspected in Gibraltar (Port UNLOCODE GIGIB) resulting in a detention with 9 Deficiencies. The number of deficiencies is not high, however the scope of the case study is to highlight the causes of detention, reports Safety4sea.
Ship background
The 13 years old ship (YoB 2010, Built in China) was assessed with an Inspection Window Open given the Risk Profile of the ship and the Manager in the MoU area. The ship’s DOC holder is managing a fleet of Bulk Carriers with a total of 7 ships. It is worth mentioning that the ship has been classed in the same IACS classification society since 2010.
The ship’s PSC history during Last 36 Months included 9 inspections. The ship had never been detained since the date of built. Vessel had an inspection in Trieste (Paris MoU) resulting 9 deficiencies.
The last deficiency of 15150 – ISM indicates that PSCO recommended rectification actions within SMS frame work and it was to be expected by Company that in their next call within Paris MoU, the ship would be subject to follow up inspection for verification of rectified items.
The vessel called Netherlands (Vlissingen) after 1 month and as expected it was inspected. The inspection concluded in 9 deficiencies again.
The inspection revealed that 6 of previous deficiencies were rectified, 2 remained (VDR and endorsements) and 6 new deficiencies were marked.
PSCO did not detain the ship (as the action code was 17 for the deficiencies) and gave one more opportunity to the Manager to implement rectification actions and marked the Code 15150 – ISM to guide the rectification plan through SMS.
Manager should have been alerted that during the next call in Paris MoU port, the vessel was targeted (after 2 inspections with deficiencies and ISM related problems)
Manager Background
Manager’s PSC record the Last 5 years (2018-2022) was 134 inspections resulting in 392 deficiencies and 7 detentions. The inspections were almost equally distributed to Paris, Tokyo, Vina del Mar MoU and USCG. Manager’s Deficiency per inspection (DPI) is 2.93 (while the Global Benchmark for similar aged and type ships is 1.68) and the detention ratio (DER) is 5.22% (while the Global Benchmark for similar fleet is 2.13%).
Manager’s Risk Profile in Paris MoU was calculated to be Very Low based on Last 36M PSC History in MoU.
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Source: Safety4sea