Reasons And Ways To Manage Fatigue In Seafarer Work


Seafarers work in a heavily regulated industry, facing a workload that is physically and mentally challenging. The good news is that there is plenty that can be done to help combat stress and promote healthy, restorative sleep, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

As Captain James Foong FNI explains, fatigue can be described as a drowsy state of deprived sleep and extreme tiredness. Seafarers who are fatigued may experience diminishing cognitive ability, and a loss of interest in their work, which could endanger themselves, their colleagues, the ship they are operating, and the wider marine environment.

The most common reasons why a seafarer might be prone to fatigue are the following:

#1 Overwork

In the past, a ship’s captain had pretty much one job to do – to manoeuvre the vessel from port A to B. However, things have changed, thanks in no small part to the increase in telecommunication devices available. Nowadays, captains and their bridge teams must answer emails, sort out essential documentation and attend to overwhelming administrative work, regardless of time zones or passage scheduling. Meanwhile, the technical side of actually operating the ship still requires their full attention. Often, an officer can only take on the extra administrative work required of them during their ‘rest’ time.

#2 Watch systems

Deck officers can traditionally work a maximum of 12 hours on watch a day to comply with STCW. This schedule means officers get multiple intervals of break throughout a day. However, in many cases, navigating officers work overtime when there are no extra crew members to act as back-up. Officers in this situation may only manage three or four hours of sleep after factoring in overtime and the need to eat and take a shower before getting ready for their next shift.

#3 Environmental factors

Working at sea is remote by nature. The isolated working environment onboard ship can impose additional mental stress on seafarers who find it hard to deal with such remoteness. Additionally, issues such as severe ship motions during heavy weather; incessant chatter over the walkie-talkie and vibrations from the vessel being loaded or unloaded can add extra levels of physical discomfort that also affect a seafarer’s mood and levels of fatigue.

#4 Suitable surroundings

Soundproof insulation is a highly effective way to reduce unwanted sound traveling into the cabins and disrupting sleep. Standard fiberglass composite and dampening acoustic sealant both offer good soundproofing properties to muffle airborne and impact noise.

Comfortable, ergonomic furniture can also help people relax during rest times and ease any aches and pains in the body, says Captain Foong. When a ship is first designed, companies should be encouraged to work with sleep experts to ensure crew accommodation can be as relaxing and effective in minimising noise as possible.

#5 Reduce sleep debt

It’s normal for seafarers to build up some form of ‘sleep debt’ with irregular work hours, night shifts and/or difficulty getting at least six hours of sleep consistently. Therefore, proper planning of sleeping hours around other demands on time is key.

The sleeping environment should be dark, quiet, and well-ventilated with a decent mattress to allow easier transition into the deep sleep phase. In addition, scheduling strategic nap times can help seafarers maintain their mental and physical health.

#6 Competent crewing

On top of that, sufficient crewing of the ship is mandatory to ensure each officer has enough time to rest properly after each watch-keeping cycle. It is helpful for higher-ranking officers to clarify their job scope before spending too long on administrative work and documentation that could be carried out by someone else with space in their schedule. Administration can often be better managed by a well-trained executive officer who could also take on safety inspections and audits.

#7 Diet, exercise and lifestyle

Seafarers must establish and maintain healthy habits if they want to enjoy a better lifestyle. Choose food that offers a good balance of macronutrients to help keep fatigue at bay. Regular exercise can help prevent work-related illnesses and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Another way to keep spirits high and protect people’s wellbeing onboard ship is to develop a good range of social activities to encourage team cohesiveness, boost morale and improve cooperation. Setting up a job rotation scheme is helpful too, as changing jobs can dispel feelings of monotony and prevent seafarers from growing bored of repetitive tasks.

#8 Crew retention

It can be extremely tiring for experienced crew members to have to frequently train new seafarers if there is a high turnover of staff onboard ship. Finding ways to retain quality people can therefore greatly assist in reducing overall fatigue levels within the team.

Establishing an open working culture where people can feel confident about raising concerns can help with this, along with excellent career opportunities, fair remuneration packages, and support with mental health and personal development.

#9 Connecting with the ‘outside world’

Ultimately, onboard telecommunication facilities must be up-to-date to keep seafarers in touch with the outside world. People working in an isolated environment are usually extremely keen to connect to others and have their voices heard.

Tiredness and fatigue is not just about not getting enough sleep. It can be exacerbated by a lack of contact with home, pressures around shore leave and inadequate attention to people’s psychological needs.

“We must acknowledge the serious threats posed by fatigue and find workable solutions for mitigating against these risks. The physical and mental wellbeing of seafarers needs to be prioritised”

Ways to manage fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most dangerous threats to a navigator onboard ship. Taking this into consideration, Nautilus presents ten points to help manage the levels of tiredness and fatigue.

Understanding fatigue

Fatigue is a state of physical and/or mental impairment that can reduce the ability to operate a ship safely.

Fatigue by design

By their very nature, ships and ship operations have a high risk of inducing tiredness and fatigue, with causes including ship design, onboard tasks and the motion of the seas.

An ongoing concern

Long-term fatigue can lead to physical and mental health problems; left unchecked, it is not just a short-lived problem.

Risk management

Tiredness and fatigue can be managed. The risks cannot always be removed, but there will be ways to mitigate them.

Counting hours

Hours of work and rest are important, but tiredness and fatigue management go beyond just recording hours.

Fighting fatigue from shore

Ship owners and managers must ‘own’ fatigue and tiredness management. This can be done through ship design, crewing levels, workload, food provision, exercise facilities, sleeping arrangements and training the crew about dangers and mitigation.

Know the signs

Mariners must be aware of how to recognise fatigue in themselves and others. Manage time as best as possible, adjust watches when necessary, get support if needed, keep accurate accounts of work and rest and notify the DPA if required.

Monitor mental health

Not only can fatigue lead to physical health issues, but also mental stress. Issues such as relationship problems, either onboard or with family/friends, can also lead to mental fatigue. Be sensitive to this in yourself and others.

Knowledge is power

The IMO has published guidelines on fatigue that relate to ships and seafarers. There is also a wealth of information on the internet from both maritime and non-maritime sources.

Share and share alike

No-one is immune to tiredness and fatigue, so discuss these issues with the whole crew and watch out for each other. A poor decision made by one person can affect everyone.

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Source: Safety4Sea