Recent Shipping Incidents On Attack, Hijack, Kidnap, Robbery And More


A recent news source published in the UKMTO states about the recent incidents pertaining to Attack, Hijack, Incident, Kidnap, Robbery, Boarding, Suspicious approach, Advisories and Notices.

The details are as follows

Advisory – UKMTO-IO #219

Date: 13th August 2021

Location: 025848N, 0464405E

Ref: Advisory 001/Aug/2021: ATTACK – PIRACY UKMTO received a report of a vessel being attacked in position 025848N 0464405E at approx. 130445ZAUG21 (Approx. 100 NM North East of MOGADISHU). Vessel and crew reported SAFE. Incident complete.

Advisory – UKMTO-IO #216

Date: 30th July 2021

Location: 214700N, 0595406E

ADVISORY 001/JUL/2021 – UPDATE 001 1. Category: ATTACK – NON PIRACY 2. Time: 30th Jul 2021 1220 UTC 3. Description: Regional SAR authorities and coalition forces have been tasked to assist affected vessel. Investigations remain ongoing. 4. Position: 214700N 0595406E (approximately 175 NM NE DUQM, Oman)

Attacked – UKMTO-IO #215

Date: 29th July 2021

Location: 211612N, 0594542E

REF: ADVISORY 001/JUL/2021 –AMEND 1 UKMTO has received reports of a vessel being attacked in position 211612N 0594542E (approx 152NM NE DUQM, Oman) at approximately 1800UTC ON 29 Jul 2021. Investigations are ongoing

Incident – UKMTO-IO #213

Date: 29th July 2021

Location: 184800N, 0585500E

WARNING 001/JUL/2021 1. Category: Non Piracy Incident 2. Time: 29 Jul 2021 0700UTC 3. Description: UKMTO has received reports of an incident in the vicinity of 1848N 05855E (Approx 86 NM from Al Duqm Port). Investigations are ongoing. 4. Position: 1848N 05855E (Approx 86 NM from Al Duqm Port).

Notices – UKMTO-IO #212

Date: 28th July 2021

Location: 250000N, 0650000E

UKMTO NOTICE 003/JUL/2021 1. Category: Military Exercise. 2. Description: Naval ships will carry out surface, anti-aircraft and depth charge live firing practice between 0400 to 1700 UTC 02-06, 09-13, 16-17, 20, 23-27 and 30-31st AUG 2021 in the following areas: A. 24-19.00N 066-58.00E 24-00.00N 066-39.00E 24-11.00N 066-27.00E 24-24.30N 066-42.00E B. 24-36.02N 063-15.03E 24-36.02N 062-30.03E 24-21.02N 063-15.03E 24-21.02N 062-30.03E C. 24-36.02N 062-30.03E 24-36.02N 061-45.03E 24-21.02N 062-30.03E 24-21.02N 061-45.03E D. DEPTH CHARGE FIRING AREA 24-16.18N 066-20.50E 24-22.00N 066-27.00E 24-16.30N 066-33.00E 24-10.30N 066-27.00E 3. Ships and Craft are to keep well clear of assigned danger areas on above specified schedule. All vessels in the vicinity are to stay vigilant and to report any incidents to UKMTO. All vessels are requested to inform UKMTO if any interference is noted on Radios/Radars/GPS.

Notices – UKMTO-IO #172

Date: 13th February 2021

Location: 251700N, 0551700E

Ref: UKMTO Notice 010/Feb/2021. Industry can be reassured that UKMTO (Dubai) remains fully operational during the COVID 19 global pandemic. However, due to the current increase in UAE covid-19 restrictions we have temporarily paused our face-to-face briefs. Commercial shipping companies and ship’s masters are still able to receive the latest UKMTO Maritime Security updates and briefs via telephone, teleconference (Zoom) or by e-mail using the following contact details contained within the Maritime Security Chart (Q6099) and/or directly from +971 43094268/4462 A further Notice will be issued when normal service is resumed

Notices – UKMTO-IO #169

Date: 9th February 2021

Location: 263900N, 0563500E

Ref: UKMTO NOTICE 008/FEB/2021 UKMTO is issuing this Notice to global maritime operators in order to remind mariners and ship operators of the recommended procedures for transiting the Strait of Hormuz. BMP5 remains the basis for merchant ship conduct, reporting and monitoring in the area. In addition vessels and companies will need to be aware of their own Flag State guidance. All vessels are strongly advised to remain within International Waters and, where practicable, should avoid transiting through Iranian TTW, including the areas claimed by Iran around the islands of: • Abu Musa, 250 52’ N 550 02’E • Greater Tunb 260 15’N 550 16’E • Lesser Tunb 260 14’N 550 08’E In the event of merchant vessels being hailed masters should respond with ship’s name, flag state and confirm that they are proceeding in accordance with International Law. If contacted by Iranian authorities, it is recommended that masters contact UKMTO. UKMTO recommends all merchant shipping maintain transmissions on AIS throughout the region to avoid mis-identification and to assist with merchant shipping monitoring.

Notices – UKMTO-IO #168

Date: 9th February 2021

Location: 124200N, 0432100E

Ref: UKMTO NOTICE 007/FEB/2021 UKMTO is aware that the Yemeni coastguard are coordinating increased patrols and VHF hailings with merchant vessels in the vicinity of Bab El Mandeb. This information is being made available for company awareness.

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Source: UKMTO