Reminder: Mandatory Mass Flow Meter Use for MFO Bunkering


MPA Issues Reminder Circular as Singapore Enters Era of Mandatory Mass Flow Meter Use for MFO Bunkering


Effective January 1, 2017, Singapore, the world’s biggest bunkering port by sales volume, has become the first port in the world to mandate the use of a mass flow meter (MFM) for all MFO bunkering.

The latest records from Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) show 135 of the 212 registered bunker vessels (64 percent) have now been equipped with an MPA approved MFM.

But with many of those vessels either already for MGO use only, or expected to be converted as such, this total of MFM equipped vessels is well inline with previous expectations, and it is understood that only nine older fuel oil barges were not fitted with a MFM.

Alongside this milestone, MPA has issued a Circular reminding market participants of the new regulations.

MPA will take firm action against any licensee who has acted in contravention of their licences, including suspending or revoking their bunker licences, as appropriate


“With effect from 1 January 2017, it is mandatory to use MPA-approved MFM system for all Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) bunker delivery in the Port of Singapore.  This was first announced on 8 April 2014 and promulgated on 29 July 2014 via Port Marine Circular (PMC) No. 08 of 2014,” MPA wrote.

“MPA had also, with effect from 1 June 2016, put in force the Technical Reference for Bunker Mass Flow Metering (TR 48:2015) for all MFO bunker delivery.This was promulgated on 3 Mar 2016 via PMC No. 4 of 2016.  With effect from 1 January 2017, the delivered quantity of MFO stated in the Bunker Delivery Note shall be based on the bunker tanker’s MFM system as witnessed by the cargo officer, the chief engineer and bunker surveyor (if engaged).”

“All MPA licensed bunker suppliers, bunker craft operators, bunker surveying companies and bunker surveyors are to adhere strictly to the terms and conditions of their bunker licences and requirements of TR48:2015 for MFO bunker delivery by MFM in the Port of Singapore. MPA will take firm action against any licensee who has acted in contravention of their licences, including suspending or revoking their bunker licences, as appropriate.”

“Please contact Mr Jackson Koh at 6325 2308 or email for any clarification needed on this circular.”

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Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore