Oil Rags In Exhaust Manifold Led To Fire


In the second case of UK MAIB’s recently-released Safety Digest, it is described an incident where contractors were carrying out essential engine repairs during the night layover period on board a ferry that operated on a short sea route. After starting engine, small fire burning in the exhaust lagging in the vicinity of the turbocharger.


Engine repairs carryout during the night layover period on board a ferry. Exhaust cladding had been removed in order that access could be gained to a sheared bolt on one of the main engine turbochargers. After the failed bolt had been replaced the engine was run briefy without the exhaust cladding to confirm that there was no leakage from the exhaust manifold. With this test run complete, the cladding was reftted to the engine.

Shortly after the ferry departed from the berth, with the engines running at full operating temperature, the second engineer(2/E) noticed a burning smell coming from the recently repaired engine. The 2/E contacted the bridge and requested to stopped the engine.

Upon investigation the 2/E found a small fire burning in the exhaust lagging in the vicinity of the turbocharger. He immediately sounded the fire alarm and activated the Hi-Fog system for that engine. After the Hi-Fog system had been running for 30 minutes, the chief engineer (C/E) and 2/E re-entered the engine room, removed the heat shields from the engine and found burnt remains of an oily rag on the exhaust manifold. Having determined that the situation was under control the C/E shut down the Hi-Fog system and confrmed to the bridge that the fire had been extinguished.


During investigation, it was found that during the repairing work, oil rags left in the the exhaust manifold.

Lesson learnt

  1. Fast action and early intervention prevented this incident from quickly becoming much more serious. Make sure you are familiar with the systems you have on board, and be confdent when using them should the need arise. 
  2. Staff should ensure that good housekeeping checks are carried out after any maintenance, but especially where hot surfaces have been exposed.
  3. It always remains the ship’s staff’s responsibility to monitor the works being undertaken and to ensure that the machinery is safe to start once work has been completed.

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Source: iims.org