Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry Gains Confidence


Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry Gains Confidence

Japanese Owners Show Confidence in the Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry.


Japanese Shipowners continue to entrust the registration of state of the art eco-ships with the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry.  This is a matter of pride to the International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI), who provide administrative and technical support to RMI.

Ships registered with RMI:

Shipping Company

Vessel Type

Vessel Name

Year Of Registration With RMI


Vehicle Carrier



Sugahara Kisen

Bulk carrier



K Line

Vehicle carrier




  • The Emerald Ace registered with the RMI was the first ship of its size to employ a hybrid electric plant including having a full top deck fitted with solar panels.
  • The DOUBLE DELIGHT is of the newest design developed by Imabari Shipbuilding called Aero-Citadel which enhances both energy efficiency and anti-piracy measures.
  • These latest additions with varying vessel types imply that Japanese ship owners have confidence in the RMI Registry to provide technical assistance for a broad range of vessel types.
  • Currently, there are 178 Japanese-owned vessels in the RMI fleet totaling eight million gross tons.
  • As of mid-October 2015, the RMI Registry stood at just over 126 million gross tons with more than 3,600 vessels.
  • IRI opened its 27th worldwide office in Manila, the Philippines to support this unprecedented growth amongst flag States.
  • The office at Manila staffed by four personnel and headed by Leo Bolivar.
  • Leo Bolivar has a background working for companies like Stolt-Nielsen Philippines, Inc., Uljanik Shipmanagement, Ulstein Marine Services and Navis Maritime Services, all with respect to ship and crew management.
  • IRI’s worldwide staff strength is now over 350 employees.

With the idea to provide information on the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments, IRI held two seminars in Tokyo and Imabari.  “Many of our operators employ Philippine seafarers so these seminars were well-received,” said Masaharu Okamoto IRI Representative in Tokyo.  More than 120 people attended the seminar in Tokyo and 80 attendees in Imabari respectively.  In the seminar the President of IRI thanked their clients and other industry stakeholders in Japan for their continuous support and significant contribution to the flag’s fleet growth.


“We are delighted by these latest additions to the fleet which demonstrate that leading Japanese owners have confidence in the RMI Registry to provide technical assistance for a broad range of vessel types,” said Mr. Gallagher, President of IRI.

“I am also very proud that the RMI Registry is perceived as the most proactive flag State in Japan because we render the most up-to-date information that will impact our local ship operators,” said Masaharu Okamoto, IRI Representative in Tokyo.

“The fleet has been growing rapidly largely in part to our ability to provide timely services through our decentralized model,” said Bill Gallagher, President of IRI.

“Opening an office in Manila is a natural fit for the Registry as more than 35% of seafarers serving on RMI flagged vessels hail from the Philippines,” he said.

 “It is our expectation that this office will be able to service crew documentation needs of our owners and operators in that area in coordination with our Hong Kong and Mumbai offices thus improving the speed with which seafarers’ documents are issued,” said Annie Ng, Head of Asia for IRI.

Source: IRI