Revolutionary Oil Tanker Surfaces: XING HAI HUA 728!

Credits: Khebab salaheddine/Pexels

Entrusted by the transferor (the Sellers), we have scheduled to hold public bidding online ( from 15:00 to 15:30 (Beijing time) on July 25th, 2023.

1. Bidding Object

Name: XING HAI HUA 728, Oil tanker

IMO NO.: 9563500

Class: CCS

PoR: Taizhou, China

Navigation: A1+A2+A3

LOA 150.00m/ Breadth 23.00m/ Depth 12.50m

GT/NT: 11656/6527

DWCC: 15967t on 8.80m Draft

Tank coating

12 cargo tankers, 98% Tanker Capacity: 19354.22m3(incl. 2 sludge tankers)

Cargo pumps: 3 sets x 750m3/h/set

M/E: Shaanxi Diesel 8PC2-6/2L 4400kW×1set;

Generators: 1FJ2 451-4SB42, 450kW@1500r/min×3sets

Built Time: Sep 6th, 2009;

Builder: Zhenxing Ship Repair and Building Co., Ltd, China.

Note: The rebuilding plans of the Chemical/Products Tanker for ocean-going navigation have been redesigned.

(Data and relevant information provided in this announcement are for reference only)

2. Bidding rules

2.1 This bidding will be held without a reserved price. If there is only one bidder participating in the bidding, the potential transfer of the Ship will be confirmed automatically after the bidding period. If there are two or more bidders participating in the bidding, the potential transfer of the Ship will be carried out by auction.

2.2 The starting price is RMB56.20 million, and the bidding deposit is RMB 6 million (or USD 0.9 million). Bid increment is a multiple of RMB 0.02 million.

2.3 The bidding time will enter into Extension Cycle since 15:25 on July 25th, 2023 (Beijing Time) on the bidding day after the bidding officially starts. And then the ending time will be refreshed to 5 minutes once each new bidding price is offered.

2.4 The Buyers shall sign an “Export Agency Agreement” with the designated agency company of the bidding company within 2 working days after the bidding is completed, and the bidding deposit shall automatically be converted into the ship purchase deposit under the MOA.

2.5 The time of this auction activity shall be subject to Beijing time (unless otherwise expressly stated).

3. Registration Requirements

3.1 Registration is available from the date of this Announcement and ends before the auction starts on the bidding day (subject to the receipt of the bidding deposit, the completion of online registration on the platform and the receipt of the bidding number. It is recommended that bidders pay the deposit 1-2 days in advance in order to avoid any issues). No registration will be accepted after the deadline. After successful registration, the bidder shall be deemed to have fully known, accepted and complied with the contents of this announcement, bidding rules, special provisions and relevant agreements.

3.2 Any natural persons with full civil capacity in China and any corporation or organization in and outside the Peoples’ Republic of China with legally existing may participate in this bidding.

3.3 The bidder shall submit the following documents for registration (including but not limited to):

(1) For Chinese Bidders:

  • 营业执照扫描件(加盖公章)
  • 法定代表人身份证扫描件(加盖公章)
  • 经办人身份证扫描件及授权委托书(如有,需加盖公章)
  • 《参拍承诺书》(文本向我司领取)
  • 竞拍保证金付款凭证

(2) For Abroad Bidders:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Copy of Director’s Passport
  • Undertaking for Bidding
  • Bank slip of bidding deposit

4. Date and Place for Inspection of the Vessel

The inspection place is to be determined (according to specific voyage and port arrangements, and we will issue the notice in advance if possible), please confirm with the bidding company for details. Potential bidders can inspect the Vessel within the stipulated time. The risk and expenses in relation to the inspection shall be borne by the potential bidders. The bidding company and the Sellers shall only be responsible for coordination work. Potential bidders who fail to participate in the on-site inspection yet complete the registration procedure within the prescribed inspection time shall be deemed to have recognized and accepted the status quo and defects of the Vessel, including but not limited to all known and unknown defects related to the vessel certificates and the vessel condition, etc. Potential bidders shall not object to defects, such as the quality, of the Vessel for any reason.

5. Account of Bidding Company






Beneficiary: Ningbo Shipping Exchange Market Co, Ltd.

Beneficiary Address: Room 702, 7th Floor Building 1, No.5 Xing Ye 1st Road Bonded Zone Ningbo City, China

Account No.: 3309040160000036919

SWIFT (Beneficiary Bank): HZCBCN2H

Beneficiary Bank: Bank of Hangzhou Co, Ltd. Zhoushan

Beneficiary Bank Address: No.619, Dingshen Road, Ganghang building B zone Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Prov. PR China

Remittance Reference: XING HAI HUA 728

6. Contacts

Ms. Wen: +86 18058087023/ 0580-2038333

Mr. Chen: +86 18058087030/ 0580-2027516


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Source: Hellenic Shipping