RINA Inaugurates 1st Hellenic Decarbonization Committee


RINA will launch the first Hellenic Decarbonization Committee (HDC) on May 6th, 2021. The initiative falls within the broader decarbonization program RINA is pursuing to support the shipping industry in achieving CO2 emissions reduction objectives established by IMO, reports RINA.

Committee members

The RINA Hellenic Decarbonization Committee will be chaired by Mrs. Ioanna Procopiou, Prominence Maritime Managing Director and will be made up of a selected group of representatives among shipowners, technical managers, shipyards, designers, fuel suppliers and charterers.

The dialogue between the stakeholders will target improvements in technology, regulatory changes, digitally enabled services and the potential funding or financing of green technologies to benefit the entire industry.

The members will periodically meet in person or remotely according to the circumstances. Broader meetings, with the participation of members from RINA’s Decarbonization Committees in other countries will be organized to maximise multisectoral and multicompetency participation.

Chairwoman of the HDC

Ioanna Procopiou, Chairwoman of the HDC, said “RINA’s initiative aims to bring different stakeholders of the industry into a constructive dialogue. It is an opportunity to share ideas, voice concerns and distinguish between pragmatic and idealistic solutions for shipping when it comes to climate change”.

Marine EMEA Region EVP at RINA

Massimo Volta, Marine EMEA Region EVP at RINA, said “Decarbonisation will be the main driver guiding the shipping sector in the years to come. RINA is determined to play an active role in this evolution bringing its multidisciplinary skills to the industry to build a sustainable future, but it is clear that the objectives set will be achieved only through a joint effort. And this is the reason the Hellenic Decarbonization Committee was set up”.

RINA Senior Director

Spyros Zolotas, Senior Director, RINA Marine Southern Europe & Africa Area, added Greece is not only a maritime nation by tradition, but Greek shipowners own over 20% of the world tonnage. RINA knows that the contribution that this country can give to the entire industry is fundamental and through our Committee we want to maximize that together with shipyards, engine makers, and the main players of the sector”.

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Source: RINA