Who Should Run Ship’s Kitchen?


Maritime Industry Must Place Importance On Recruiting Fully Trained And Qualified Staff To Run Their Kitchens


Employing fully trained and qualified catering personnel is just as important as ensuring vessels are manned by qualified Officers, says training provider Marine Catering Training Consultancy (MCTC).

As nutrition is vital to crew welfare, properly qualified and trained catering staff is important in maintaining a healthy and efficient workforce.

The maritime industry is struggling to cope with a shortfall in qualified officers with the right skills set to work on vessels. MCTC says catering crew members must not be forgotten in this.

OSM Maritime Group Business Development Director Shubpreet Singh said at the Singapore Command Seminar 2017 recently that it was not the shortage of personnel that was the problem but the shortage of qualified personnel.

Echoing these comments MCTC Managing Director Christian Ioannou said: “There is a shortfall of qualified personnel and we must not forget that includes catering staff as well. They provide the meals to keep the rest of crew active and energised throughout their working days.”

“There are definitely enough people out there but how many of them are competent enough to serve on multi-national crew vessels where there are so many different diet preferences and eating habits? It is vital that Ship Managers and Owners ensure their catering crew are fully trained and qualified in all aspects of food nutrition.”

MCTC holds a three-month Maritime Culinary Development Programme where it trains professional and passionate maritime catering individuals before introducing them onto its clients’ vessels.

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