Russia, Qatar may not get World Cups – FIFA Officials


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Fallout from May 27 indictments has started showing up.  FIFA has admitted that Russia and Qatar could be stripped of hosting the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

Reuters confirmed on Sunday that Domenico Scala, independent chairman of FIFA’s audit and compliance committee, told a Swiss newspaper both World Cups could indeed be moved as a result of ongoing investigations into improprieties in the bidding process.

“If evidence should emerge that the awards to Qatar and Russia only came about thanks to bought votes, then the awards could be annulled,” Scala told Sonntags Zeitung in an interview that was published on Sunday.

“The evidence has yet to be rendered,” said Scala.

Sequence of Events :

  • May 27, the United States Department of Justice brought forth indictments of 14 people in relation to corruption charges surrounding FIFA.
  • Swiss investigation was announced on the same day that said they would. investigate the bidding process behind the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes.
  • June 2 that Sepp Blatter announced that he will be stepping down from his post as FIFA.
  • June 3, a Reuters report stated that a US law enforcement official confirmed that the FBI investigation was also looking into unlawful activity involved in those bids.