SafeTug to Enhance Safety Among LNG Carrier Tugs


Trelleborg Marine Systems has launched SafeTug, a program designed to enhance piloting and navigation safety says Martyn Wingrove for LNG news.

How does the software work?

Trelleborg Marine Systems’ new software enables real-time sharing of operational data and information on the movement of assisted LNG carriers. This enhances collaboration between the tug master, ship bridge teams, pilots and port operators.

SafeTug uses dynamic data including the ship’s speed and direction, rate of turn, trajectory, heading and course over the ground. The software also displays the position of other tugboats using the system.

360° visibility

“SafeTug improves the range and accuracy of navigational measurements, offering true 360° visibility and enhancing situational awareness in real time,” said Trelleborg’s president of marine systems Richard Hepworth.

“This helps the pilot to know exactly where the tugs are located and for the tug master to know exactly what the movement of an assisted vessel is, creating a safer and more effective pilotage experience,” he added.

Data storage

SafeTug connects with SmartPort Cloud for data storage and exchange to provide an overview of port and piloting operations. It enables onshore teams to monitor whole operations for decision support and planning future manoeuvres.

SafeTug features:

  •     Over-the-air (OTA) differential corrections
  •     Real-time traffic overview
  •     Live positioning data with predicted paths
  •     Data recording
  •     Data storage
  •     Operations playback for investigations

Safe during challenging operations

Mr Hepworth said this software will help reduce pilotage and tug incidents during challenging operations: “Piloting requires the safest, most efficient and reliable technology,” he said. “It demands exceptional performance, ease of operation and high position accuracy to facilitate optimum approach, berthing and departure.”

SafeTug sits within Trelleborg’s growing SmartPort portfolio, which addresses the critical interfaces between LNG carriers and terminals. SmartPort integrates assets, such as fenders and mooring equipment, while improving ship performance monitoring and navigation systems.

The prestigious Award

Trelleborg won the LNG Technology Award for its ship-to-shore communications link at the debut LNG World Shipping Awards, which were sponsored by tug operator Smit Lamnalco and recognised achievements in safety and terminal operations during 2018.

These awards were handed out during Riviera Maritime Media’s LNG Ship/Shore Interface Conference in London, on 22-23 November 2018.

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Source: LNG