Safety Of Onboard Lifting Appliances And Anchor Handling Winches

Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

MSC (Maritime Safety Committee) is expected to adopt a new draft regulation, SOLAS II-1/3-13, along with two sets of guidelines, addressing the requirements and safety measures for onboard lifting appliances and anchor handling winches. The objective of these regulations is to prevent accidents and damages caused by lifting appliances and winches, safeguarding operators, ships, cargo, shore-based structures, subsea structures, and the marine environment.

Safety measures for non-SOLAS ships operating in polar waters – Polar Code and SOLAS amendments

MSC is set to adopt draft amendments to the Polar Code and SOLAS Convention, introducing new safety requirements for certain non-SOLAS ships operating in polar regions. The amendments will apply to fishing vessels over 24 m in length, pleasure yachts over 300 GT not engaged in trade, and cargo ships between 300 GT and 500 GT. The goal is to enhance the safety of ships navigating in extreme Arctic and Antarctic conditions, ensuring critical equipment remains functional in challenging environments.

International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code amendments

MSC is anticipated to adopt the latest amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, which have been finalized by the Editorial & Technical Group. These amendments will be incorporated into a consolidated version of the entire IMSBC Code, as is customary.

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Source: IMO