Satellite Images Reveal Oil Stains In Adriatic Sea



Russian – Croatian team of experts analysed over 60 satellite images taken between 2003 and 2011 and the largest stains were located on the border of the Croatian and Italian part of the Adriatic sea.  HINA reports a significant stain seen within the Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone (ZERP), on February 21, 2016.

  • The largest number of worrying oil stains can be seen along the regular international ship routes from the North-West to the South-East.
  • The second area with the largest number of stains is along the Italian border followed by the stains along local ferry lines connecting Croatian coastal towns and islands.

Experts believe they were caused by large ships transporting liquids of varied toxicity, including crude oil and oil products.  They all occurred during the night because they were discovered on images taken in the morning and most likely occurred because ships tanks were being washed with various liquids like emulsifiers and surfactants which can create a thin layer of active agents on the surface of the sea.  The small and medium sized stains can appear after ballast water discharge or waste waters discharge from the engine or tanks.  It was impossible to get any information from the Port Authority about any possible cases of illegal activities.


Even though we don’t know yet who is responsible, it would be not good to close our eyes and pretend it is none of our business.  Therefore a physicist from the Ruđer Bošković Institute and one of the instigators of ZERP Tonči Tadić calls for implementing the ecological component of  ZERP as soon as possible.

Source: Total Croatia