Seafarer Found Dead With Cut Throat, Onboard a Tanker


 Tragedy Onboard A Tanker! Seafarer Found Dead With Cut Throat


On Apr 24, a tanker crewman was found dead in the hold of the tanker with a deep wound to his throat while at anchor in Malamocco, Italy.  Unfriendly weather conditions forced investigators to berth the tanker in Porto Marghera at Venice Commercial Terminals.

The victim has been identified as Joshua Sorrentino, a 35 year-old native of Sant’Agnello, in the Naples area.  On seeing his lifeless body, by his colleagues, the captain alerted the harbor authorities.

Coast guard has started the investigation into death on board with focus on the deep wound in the throat that is clearly visible on the corpse.  Police have not ruled out foul play, suicide or accident.

Source: VeneziaToday